Formato | S – Box from 6 pieces, UL, XL |
EcoCandy® Fire Tank
100% biodegradable treatment against algae and turbid water in cisterns and fire tanks
A partire da 57,65 €
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100% biodegradable treatment against algae and turbid water in cisterns and fire tanks
Where to use it:
- large bodies of water;
- decorative ponds;
- fountains
- cisterns;
- sport fishing lakes;
- fish farming lakes;
- golf courses;
- fountains;
- cisterns;
- storage tanks;
- sewage treatment plants;
- watering troughs.
Why to choose it:
- 100% natural;
- totally biodegradable;
- does not create sudden imbalances in the ecosystem;
- it brings in new beneficial microorganisms and supports existing beneficial ones;
- safe for animals and plants;
- ready to use;
- it decreases odors;
- limits conditions normally predisposing to the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms;
- acts directly on organic matrices and deposits in water.
Available formats:
- S
- XL
- UL